Our Quit Smoking App Is Now Available On Amazon

For those that have already downloaded our app, there's no need to read any further. For those who have not yet seen or downloaded our app, the Quit Smoking Progress Tracker, you may want to continue reading because it's worth downloading if you have any need for it.

The app is designed to help quitting smokers keep an eye on their progress without having to constantly worry about it. Open the app, start the tracker, and then forget about it until you want check in on your progress. Open or closed, the app will continue counting the amount of time that has gone by since it started tracking, making it easy to know exactly how long it has been since you quit smoking by taking a quick peek at the app anytime you're curious.

There are no advertisements and there are no fees. The app is 100% free to download and use. Just a little gift from your friends at Vaper Empire who are here to help smokers make the switch from smoking to vaping.

You can now find the app available for download on Amazon. It takes up very little space, looks nice, and is easy to use. If you think it might help you then by all means please feel free to download and use it!

Using it is as easy as clicking the button that you see right when you open it that says "Start Tracking" and then hitting the "reset" button if you need to reset the tracker for any reason. Hopefully you won't ever have to use the reset button because you will have successfully quit and you can occasionally open the app to see how long it has been since you quit.

You can count the hours, days, weeks, months, and years with the app.

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